Foods Your Teeth Will Love

February 14, 2022

Brushing, flossing, and frequent dental appointments are essential for a healthy smile, but what you eat can significantly influence your oral health. Every dentist in Colorado Springs emphasizes that sugary foods and drinks are bad for the teeth.  We know what the bad foods are, but what about the good ones? Here's a list of some of the tooth-friendly foods.  

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Best Foods for Your Teeth

Green Leafy Vegetables

Any doctor, including your dentist, would recommend including green vegetables like Swiss chard, spinach, or kale in your daily diet. These vegetables are high in calcium, which promotes hard enamel in your mouth.  Furthermore, they include folic acid, a type of vitamin B that is considered to help pregnant women maintain salubrious gums. If you're having trouble getting enough leafy vegetables in your diet, try blending them with yogurt and fruit to make teeth-friendly and tasty smoothies.  


Calcium is important for your teeth, as you may well know. It is necessary to protect your gums and teeth from disease by strengthening them. The human body is all about balance. If you don't have enough Vitamin D or any other essential vitamins in your system, you won't be able to absorb all of the calcium's benefits.    This is where the fish enters the picture. Including fatty fish in your diet, such as salmon, is an excellent way to maintain your Vitamin D levels while also allowing your teeth to benefit from calcium.  Calcium's relevance for a healthy mouth has already been discussed. Salmon, in and of itself, is high in calcium, tasty, and full of omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, it is high in vitamin D, which aids your body's absorption and utilization of calcium in your mouth and throughout your body.  


Cheese does not only make your dishes yummy. It is also beneficial when it comes to tooth decay prevention. This is because when you consume cheese, the salivation and PH levels in your mouth enhances, providing an anti-decay environment.  Cheese also contains protein and calcium, both of which help strengthen the enamel. These are important because bacteria will have a hard time penetrating the tooth to form cavities when the enamel is strong and healthy.  


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old aphorism about apples. While munching them on a daily basis may not eliminate the need for dental exams, increased salivation results from eating this fibrous, juicy fruit.  

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao content can potentially help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Cocoa bean husk (CBH), a chemical found in dark chocolate, can help build your tooth enamel and downplay your risk of developing tooth decay.  The cocoa bean is responsible for all of the healthiness in dark chocolates. Thus, the darker the chocolate, the better. If you're craving a chocolate bar, dark chocolate is a wonderful option compared to white or milk chocolate because it has less sugar.  

beautiful woman showing her new smile to her dentist in colorado springs

Get Dental Advice From a Dentist in Colorado Springs

The foods you eat have a substantial impact on your physical and mental well-being. As a result, it should come as no surprise that consuming healthy ones can help build enamel, improve gum health, and reduce tooth decay.  There’s more to talk about regarding your dental health. Contact us today for an appointment!

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