The Effects of Sedation Dentistry Sedation Dentist 80920

October 4, 2022

If you're undergoing surgery, you'll probably be given some sort of anesthetic to keep you from feeling pain. We’re proud to offer sedation dentistry in the 80920 area code because this treatment can improve patient comfort and make them more likely to get necessary dental work done.

Girl with pain before sedation dentistry colorado springs

Anesthesia and Its Effects

General Anesthesia

The use of medicines to cause unconsciousness during surgery is known as general anesthesia. Sedation drugs are either injected into a vein or inhaled through a breathing tube or mask.  

To ensure optimal breathing during surgery, an inhalation tube may be placed into the windpipe if you are unconscious. The administration of the anesthetic is stopped when the procedure is over.  

Nausea/vomiting, sore throat, hoarseness, headache, mouth or tooth injury, awareness while under anesthesia, blood vessel injury, transient memory loss, and aspiration potentially leading to pneumonia are all possible adverse effects. The more extreme side effects are extremely rare.

Nausea and vomiting are common side effects which can happen in the hours or days following surgery and can be brought on by a variety of things, including the anesthetic, movement, and the type of operation.

Local Anesthesia  

An anesthetic drug called local anesthesia is used to temporarily numb a particular pain perception of your body. While the patient is awake or only mildly sedated, a local anesthetic can be injected directly into the location of the procedure for minor surgery. However, a regional anesthetic may be necessary when a vast area needs to be numbed or if a local anesthetic injection will not go far enough.

Regional Anesthesia

The type of anesthesia that numbs a significant portion of the body, such as the lower body, is known as regional anesthesia. When a simple injection of local anesthetic is insufficient and it is preferable for the patient to be awake, the drug is administered through an injection or tiny tube known as a catheter.

Common Side Effects of Sedation

Sedative use can have consequences that are similar to those of drinking. Aside from the intended relaxing effects, you will experience the following side effects, whether immediately or a couple of days after the treatment or surgery:

  • Risk of addiction and dependence
  • Mood swings and improper conduct
  • Impaired judgment and focus
  • Anxiety and depression are getting worse
  • Increased chance of injuries and falls
  • Slow breathing and heart rate, which could get worse if alcohol is involved
  • Issues with memory and movement
  • Increased confusion, vertigo, and fatigue
patient with sedation dentistry colorado springs

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry in Colorado Springs

Although the majority of anesthesia's adverse effects are minor and transient, there are a few more severe ones to be aware of and mentally prepare for. Whether you choose general, local, or regional, a skilled dental or medical practitioner will be there in the room at all times to monitor you and make sure that everything is going according to plan.  

In the end, sedation dentistry can assist you in receiving a soothing, nearly pain-free procedure while we enhance the health and beauty of your teeth! Schedule an appointment with us today!

Contact Us


8580 Scarborough Dr., Suite 105
Colorado Springs, CO 80920








7:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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7:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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